My Zazzle

Sunday, December 7, 2008


East Wind, Rain. Climb Mount Niitaka. Tora, tora, tora.

December 7th, 1941.... the day which will live in infamy.

I ask you to remember our valiants: those who perished to defend us, those who survived and who have now gone to meet their maker, and those merry few who remain among us. I ask you to render honors, should you be sailing up or down Pearl Harbor, honors to port (or to starboard, as the case may be) as you pass USS ARIZONA. I shall not ask you to have goosebumps, nor for the hair to stand up on your neck or arms - that will occur, unbidden.

I ask you to forgive the Japanese airmen and submariners who participated in the attack, for they were doing their patriotic duty, just as our people were doing theirs.

I ask you to never forget.
I ask you to always hold the people responsible, responsible.
I ask you to say a prayer for our valiant fallen, and another for those who have passed.
God Bless America.

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