My Zazzle

Sunday, September 6, 2009

China and the Afghanistan Policy

Now, no sources [I am too lazy for that at this time of the day!], but a couple of thoughts:

[1] Afghanistan is all about boots on the ground. Sure, there are other factors in play [I'm not THAT simple-minded, after all], but it seems to me that we need to operate in accordance with the situation and environment, rather than in accordance with our prowess. [For example, why not have more troops interacting with the Afghanis, rather than bombing the krap out of targets? I know, I know, we have good intel and precise targeting, but mistakes happen and it alienates the Afghanis when we accidentally kill people who do not need dying. Afraid of losses? Then why are we there in the first place? Seriously.... there is violence inherent in conflict. People die. If we are not willing to risk people dying, then we should not put them at risk.]

[2] IF boots on the ground is a potential solution regarding Afghanistan, where do we get them from? To a small degree, we now have additional forces available thanks to the drawdown in Iraq, but our guys are tired, and the coalition of the willing is less-so these days.

[3] The draft? hahahahahaha. Good one. One of the reasons we excel nowadays is precisely because of the draft's passing. Draftees can indeed be paid less than professional soldiers. Ya get what ya pay for. With professional soldiers, much, much more can be done with less. Ya DO know the Iraqi's outnumbered us in BOTH wars, right? Heck, even the People's Liberation Army is moving away from conscription toward a smaller, professional force, which leads me to:

[4] China! Okay, first - India! Why NOT India? Well, Hillary is favoring China and Pakistan, for starters, and Afghanistan borders on Pakistan, and letting Indian troops in Afghanistan on the far side of Pakistan would essentially be allowing India to encircle Pakistan. Figure the odds of THAT ever happening.

[5] China! This time, let's discuss the China option. Strategically, China is okay with us being distracted elsewhere [especially if they have serious, immediate designs on Taiwan]. That is not necessarily the Chinese way, though. Single drops of water over time can crack granite - that is more the Chinese way. Perhaps Taiwan will sort itself out over time, to the mainland's favor. Wanna bet against it? So, if Taiwan will eventually sort itself out, and China is happy as hell with the current economic situation [any ideas who China sells much of it's product to? Exactly! What would they ever do without Wal-Mart? haha].

[6] Meantime, China has its own share of problems. Among them, separatist Uighurs out in Sinkiang in the far west. [Xinjiang]. Guess what? Most of these cats [Uighurs] are Islamic, and the radical extremist ones have ties in [you guessed it] Afghanistan. China has a vested interest in Afghanistan, in other words. Professionalizing their army, they will need practice. Killing two birds with one stone, they get practice in the very environment they need to practice in [cold, rocky, mountainous, facing Muslim extremists]. We get additional boots on the ground in order to stabilize Afghanistan.

[7] On the other hand, we risk allowing China to have additional influence in Afghanistan.

[8] What are y'all's thoughts on the matter? Be objective, give reasons - I'd love to hear what ya have to say.

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