My Zazzle

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My Mountain Bike Story

I like to bike.
That was short poem, but it's the truth, too!
I have a mountain bike, a 21 speed [3 front, 7 rear gears]. It's a Magna, and it's heavy [I could have purchased lighter, but lighter = more expensive, and heavier = more of a workout, so I opted for cheaper ;-)]. Got front and rear shock absorbers, which is kinda cool - I like the configuration pretty well. Made one modification, as I have changed the brake pads to Aztec composites from the original rubber stoppers.

There's trails around here, so they say, but I have not checked them out yet. When I lived in Michigan, there was a county park with many trails nearby. I used to go riding there, enjoying cutting across the prairie, stopping to look at the lake, challenging the hills. Very wooded, almost got run over by a doe and a couple of fawns who were jmping across the trail!

Once, I wrecked my bike [I have had it rebuilt and safety-checked]. I was coming back from the park along the asphalt bike path, and when I pulled up on the handlebars to cross a curb , the front wheel and tire kept going straight. It became in slow motion [I realized that riding a horizontal unicycle was not a good idea!] and the front forks dug into the path, causing me to flip forward. I still have scars on the back of my hands, where they landed between the handlebars and the pavement.

I managed to turn my head slightly, but still hit pretty hard. I still have my shades and helmet. The sunglasses look like someone has taken a wire wheel to them, and the helmet is crushed in front - I'd have had a skull fracture for sure if I was not wearing it, and maybe would have died or suffered brain damage. As it was, I broke my nose, and have a scar on my upper lip where it tried to stop and the rest of me did not wish to. Nice scar on my shoulder road rash], and an inflamed rotator cuff on the other shoulder.

At the emergency room, a plastic surgeon was on duty, so I got stitched up really nicely. Later, when the swelling went down enough, he would set my nose as the fracture was displaced. Here's the funny part: doc's name was Mohammed Ali [almost like the boxer!!]. I looked like I had had business with Muhammed Ali, for sure!!

To keep my nostrils from growing shut, he inserted plastic tubing in each nostril. I had a gauze underneath in case there was leakage, and I wore a little mask over that so it would not look so bad. So, when I went to work later [I missed two days after the crash and three days a week later after getting my nose set], I was sitting at my computer when Kim, whom I worked with, came in. I turned around to see who was coming into the office, and she gasped!!! So [imagine a nasally voice, as though I was pinching my nostrils shut and talking at the same time], I asked "What is it?". She laughed and said, you reminded me of Hannibal Lecter [Anthony Hopkins' character from the movie "Silence of the Lambs".] Man, I loved the recognition.

Getting the tubes out a week later was welcome, but still not pleasant. The air was cold and sweet [although I had a nosebleed for a while], and as I sat in the recovery room, the lights went out!! All was well, I sure wasn't going anywhere ;-)

Anyway, I still ride. The bike is fine, and my nose is actually better now than ever [I think I had broken it, non-displaced, a couple of times playing football and baseball, so now that annoying lump at the top is gone. There IS an interesting crevice at the top, where the cartilage connects to the bone. It's not visible, but you can feel it. Remind me, and I will let you feel it for yourself. I think it's hilarious.]

That's my story ;-) and it's true! Have a great day.


Charmaine said...

So, I finally got to read the whole story of your nose injury. Ouch! I'm certainly glad that you survived that whole ordeal, mostly in one piece, but pretty banged up nevertheless.

My poor son (who was 7 at the time) got into an awful sledding accident only weeks after we moved to Ohio. He was sledding in an empty lot near our home, and went face first into a thistle bush or something. His face looked like a tiger had gotten at him, and unfortunately he does have quite a bit of scarring as a result. Devastating to us as parents, but the one positive thing is that he could've lost an eye if he was cut just a wee bit closer. Also, I'm grateful for the wonderful plastic surgeon who stitched my son back up. I still cringe when I think of that day.

Charles L. Wallace said...

Oh, my! I am glad that he escaped as unscathed as he was able to... as he grows older, he may begin to feel that scars are marks of distinction [I know I do! :-) ]

That's the story. I called my buddy, Pete, to come give me a hand. [His mom worked at a hospital.] This was right after Angie [#2] had left me, and she was coming by to drop off some paperwork related to that divorce. So, I had to get her on the phone and tell her not to freak out when she saw me, and then wait for Pete to drive me to the ER. Good man and crazy soccer player, that Pedro.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Its been a long time since I've done the Bike Bash, not to be confused with the Monster Mash.

When I was 12 I was riding my bike, a stingray with sissy bar, it was raining so I was in a hurry. I dropped off the curb right when a nice big shiney stationwagon turned the corner.

I really have no recollection of the impact, but it must have been spectacular. The bike was given its last rights, and put in the back of the stationwagon. The left side of my face was scraped away, cuts and bruises all over, front teeth chipped, but no broken bones!

I was in tough shape for a while.

Till the next time. I went for White Gas for Scout Camp. I was on my bike, a 10 speed, carrying a gas can in one hand. The can caught the front brake and locked up the wheel and over the handlebars I went. Smashed my fingernail (used a hot paperclip to push through the nail to relieve the pressure - it was cool - the blood gushed up like a fountain through the hole.) Broken nose as well. No helmet. No one wore helmets back then.

I had some others with my bikes over the years, but then I grew a brain and didn't take such chances any more.

Charles L. Wallace said...

Wow! Cool stories, Goat - didn't we just have a blast growing up? I am sad for today's society [the one's that don't get to experience the same stuff we did]. Scars build charater! hahaha

Anonymous said...

I know I had a blast, though I am sure my parents had another opinion on that. LOL.

I agree though, about the scars and battles won and so on.

Funny thing, I was in a lot of fist fights through the years I was growing up. Some of it was the area, Staten Island was turning into an upscale Brooklyn because of the Bridge. Race riots in HS. Punks who seemed to have to prove something and me not one to back down.

My son on the other hand, has never had a fist fight. Not one.

My first was in 2nd grade. Got the tar whaled out of me.

Charles L. Wallace said...

Tar whaled?
During the fight?
Or after, when Dad found out?

Someday, I shall have to write regarding reactivity.

The reactivity displayed by muriatic acid when mixed with pool chlorine ;-) woohoohoo!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.