My Zazzle

Friday, October 12, 2007

Factionalism - Warning: Language!

Well, another blast from my past. The language reflects a great hatred of some things which be, so be warned!! Like I've said before, I enjoy professional wrestling, and at some of the indy shows in Saint Louis, enjoy hanging out with the performers and chatting. One form of wrestling calling another to task for being different. Unbelievable!!! I enjoy wrestling. My family thinks I am a nerd for that. Guess again.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Factionalism Current mood: quixotic
Why is it that we polarize, factionalize even...? Damned if we as people can ever truly agree upon anything, but I suppose that is the beauty of differentiation... What I am referring to is how as wrestling fans we waste time and emotions trying to tear down what others esteem instead of tearing down walls.
I enjoy GCW, a local promotion. I have seen other promotions, and some of them I like, some I don't especially care for. I've posted my opinions, but other than to try and convince someone to see a local show and to decide for themselves, I do not belabour the point. If you don't care for GCW, fine; let it be. I don't particularly care for the South Broadway wrestling promotion because I feel it is not very stiff [although I DO like some of the workers there]. I am not going to deride anyone if they DO care for the show there, I will not belittle anyone, I will not berate anyone. In fact, as far as South Broadway is concerned, I will give them another chance [more on that later].
Why is it, though, that such factionalism perpetuates? I am thinking of one certain moron who comes onto the GCW forum to tell everyone how lame GCW is and how great he is [presumably for not liking GCW, but the reasoning has never been revealed - because there IS no reason involved]. My rant is not about J in particular, though. Dude has a severe, SEVERE inferiority complex, though [Think not? Check his signature sometime..... best wit, hottest touch, best fuck of anyone..... speak on, Brotha; far, far better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open yer mouth and remove all doubt]. Alas, I digress - this worm is only one example.
The overall point is that the wrestling scene in Saint Louis and Southern Illinois is very fragmented, very factionalized, and I feel that this is harming the sport.
Here's another thought - how many "purists" abhor "Backyard wrestling"? It's not real.... et cetera. Dude, professional wrestling ain't REAL either, not in the sense that the outcomes are predetermined.... here's my point: what does it matter? I have not seen backyard wrestling [no, I'm not talking about kids jumping off rooftops and maiming each other with outlandish trash weapons. I am particularly referring to the SPWO, the Saint Peters Wrestling Organization, which puts on a monthly show somewhere in Saint Peters in what would appear to be somebody's garage. I imagine I would catch a lot of crap if this information becomes widely known [meaning, crap from "serious wrestling fans"].
Think for a moment about the dichotomy, though. My own family, my friends, and my co-workers variously believe that I am a moron, a retard, emotionally disturbed, sophomoric, juvenile, imature, well, you get the picture. If you are reading this, I assure you that you are one of the few exceptions to the above statement. To everyone else, those who feel that I am whatever for enjoying professional wrestling, fuck you. Fuck you in every orifice which comes to mind. Fuck everyone who thinks poorly of me because I am expanding my horizon to include backyard wrestling. Fuck everyone who condemns me for liking a rival promotion - I intend to watch yours and enjoy it, too, if at all possible. People who stereotype - fuck all of you. People who are prejudicial - fuck you too. Bigots - may you be fucked up the ass by Ol' Nick himself, whilst smelling that burning brimstone.
Okay, good to get THAT off my chest. So, what's the plan? Well, for starters, we're going to invade South Broadway at their show on June 10th [that's right - Juneteenth. Look it up]. Depending on whether we enjoy the show, we might even get kicked out. There's a good precedent for that, really: back when my mom and her sister [my Aunt Pat] were young ladies living in Wichita [pretty sure this was post-war, '46 or '47, something like that - they woulda been in their early to mid twenties then] they went often to see pro wrestling. At one show, one of the guys knocked the false teeth out of another guy's mouth. One of the guys proceeded to pick up the dentures and chomped the other guy on the ass [personally, I think I'd enjoy seeing such a move]. Anyway, the gals began a cry of 'fake!' which got the crowd into such an uproar that they rioted and the cops got called in [our gals snuck out the side exit as the cops were arriving]. Maybe we'll even like the show. Krazy Kid Kurry is pretty cool, and Espy... Shaft, too, Angelo Impell and Trent Stone.... [even Johnny Courageous, although he jobbed to the Dirt Cheap Chicken :-( ].
Then, on July 17th, we are going to check out the SPWO. They don't announce the location, but [secret handshake] we are in the know.... ;-) Check them out at I look at all of this as broadening my horizons a bit. Who knows - maybe I will have a good time [and maybe introduce a few folks to a broader experience than they otherwise woulda had, which to me is extremely good]. So, if you are reading this, yes, you are invited, and I sincerely hope that you will be able to attend. If you are reading this and for some ungodly reason feel that I was telling you to fuck off earlier, rest assured it is not so. There are a few people who actually accept me for who I am, who don't lord things over me or try to change me into God knows what [since most everyone who would change you is doing so out of a sense of failure on their own part; in other words, they fucked up and pissed away their life, so they will try to "save" yours by way of atonement]. So, to those few, you who 'get' me, my merry band of brothers, my immortals, know that I love you and truly appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for reading on [yes, I rambled a bit, combined a couple of topics which might have been excellent rants on their own merit]; thank you for being there. Let the revolution begin. Viva la revolucion`!!
Oh yeah. One more thing. I welcome your comments [as well as your presence]. "Thank you, o Lord, for the bright, white light. Thank you, o Lord, for the bright, white light......".

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